Super Keto Guacamole

A Keto-friendly, on-the-go snack to keep you energized and satisfied!

The keto diet has been on the rise this year, with new advice and keto-friendly food products coming out constantly. The diet is widely accepted as an excellent way to lower blood sugar levels, control insulin resistance, and even manage cholesterol levels. However, because the keto diet is so strict, it is important you know exactly what to eat and how to optimally get your nutrients. Keto doesn’t allow for most fruits and no starchy veggies, so you may not know where to get the vitamins and minerals you once got from those foods.

Thankfully, spirulina is great for the keto diet because it is an all-natural, plant-based way to get essential nutrients that can often be forgotten. In just 1 tsp, Californian Spirulina can provide: magnesium, calcium, vitamin A (Beta-carotene), manganese, gamma linolenic acid, chlorophyll, and more. Starting with a good supply of quality fats is the best place to start while adding Keto-friendly supplements to equip your body with the essentials.


  • 2 Large Ripe Avocado

  • 1 Lemon, Juiced

  • 1 Small Tomato, Finely Diced

  • 1/2 Fresh Grated Onion

  • 1/2 tbsp of Earthrise Californian Spirulina

  • 1/4 tsp Hot Sauce

  • Pepper (To Taste)

  • Fresh “Dipping” Veggies, Cut into Strips


  1. Peel the avocado and remove the pit

  2. Mix the avocado, lemon juice, onion, pepper and Earthrise® Spirulina

  3. Pour the Spirulina Avocado Dip into a serving bowl

  4. Cut the tomato into small pieces and garnish the edges of the bowl

  5. Arrange the “Dipping” Veggies on a platter.